Exit Points is a monthly free-improvisation concert series, featuring two new ensembles of musicians across genres each playing a set. In the 3rd set, the performers and audience guests rearrange themselves into new groupings for several 5-minute pieces. The performances are recorded, mixed, produced, and released several months later on the Exit Points record label.
Exit Points 52
Friday, August 30
Tickets $15 early bird / $20 adv / $25 door — www.exitpoints.org
Doors open: 7:30pm
Show begins: 8pm sharp
Venue: Array Music, 155 Walnut Ave, 2nd Floor. Main entrance at top of a silver accessibility ramp. Building is accessible (ramp, elevator, washroom)
Exit Points is supported by generous funding from the Toronto Arts Council and the Ted Fund.
@maysun.music @shredi_knight @lex.feathers @keishabellpiano @janeljonesmusic @emmanuel_lacopo @_sha___sha_ @danikaloren @michaelpalumbo_ @arraymusictoronto @leggeaudio @torontoartscouncil
#exitpoints #exitpointsmusic #tkaronto #musicians #freeimprovisation #freeimprovisationmusic #electroacoustic #electroacousticmusic #experimentalsound #performance #concert #exitpointsmusic #switchemups #beautiful #goodlisteners #arraymusic #arraymusictoronto #improvisation #improvisedmusic #music #show #PoweredByTAC